Muliko Livestock Services
MLS is a Malawian company and a subsidiary of Muliko Investments operating in the livestock sector.
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Muliko Livestock Services
Improving livestock for improved livelihoods

Muliko Livestock Products & Services

Muliko Livestock Services has an overarching objective of increasing business profitability by offering tailor-made services to small-scale and large-scale livestock farmers. We set out the following as their main services:

Muliko Livestock

01. Animal breeding support services

MLS is committed to providing the following animal breeding support services:

Muliko Livestock

02. Animal Production Development Services

We are motivated to provide affordable and accessible livestock production and development services through:

Muliko Livestock

03. Animal Health and Nutrition Services

MLS is motivated to provide affordable and accessible animal health and nutrition services through:

Muliko Livestock

04. Consulting and Livestock Business Development Services

MLS is motivated to provide affordable and accessible consulting and business development services through:

Our Services


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